How Should a House Smell?

“The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies.” ~ Neil Gaiman, American Gods My husband tilted his head, trying to discern what the droning was.  It sounded like a plane taking off.  Or a paper...

My Grandma Name . . . and the winner is . . .

“I don’t know what my grandma name should be,” my friend Barb said to me over coffee years ago. Mind you, her daughter was only six months pregnant at that point, but Barb was about to be a grandma for the first time, and she was taking her new role seriously. “You...

Reading Babies’ Cries

She was such a little thing, my granddaughter.  Just a few weeks old. Back then, we were still worried that she wasn’t eating well.  (We joked that this was evidence she was adopted, because we Lingos know how to eat!) Danielle had been going to the pediatrician every...

In My Easter Bonnet

Jesus rose.And that was reason enough for my family and every family in my church to get new duds for Easter. New clothes were a rarity in my house, unless my mother sewed them or they were hand-me-downs from someone in my parents’ card club, my aunt, or Grandma...

I Loved My Purple Grandma

I don’t know if I was already thinking about Mootsie when I saw the purple woman, or if the purple woman reminded me of Mootsie. Mootsie was my maternal grandma who, according to my mother, fancied herself to be too young to be called “Grandma.”Mootsie wasn’t like any...

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