Enough, Already

My dentist tapped the ouchy spot to punctuate her statement:  “We need to replace that crown.  You’ve had it since 1999, and they usually only last 10 to 12 years.” And I thought, Oh, good.  Then this will be the last time I have to replace this crown. Yes, I would...

How Should a House Smell?

“The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies.” ~ Neil Gaiman, American Gods My husband tilted his head, trying to discern what the droning was.  It sounded like a plane taking off.  Or a paper...

I Danced With the Maasai in Africa

For the week before I met Sheila, I’d seen Maasai women from a distance, tending to their children or plastering their homes with mud and dung. I had seen hundreds of tall, lean Maasai men walking by the side of Tanzanian roads. They wore the traditional red shuka and...

Downtown Grocers

I have lived in downtown Cincinnati for nine years.  As soon as people learn where I live, they almost always ask, “Where do you go to get groceries?” Ask my neighbors, and they will say this is almost always the first question people ask them, too. Until today. We...

How Facebook Almost Ruined My Trip to Morocco

Our Moroccan guide, Zak, confirmed the setting of the sun with an i-phone app, then took a long drink.  “This is the best sip of water you will ever have,” he said, grinning. Our guide couldn’t eat or drink all day because it was Ramadan, the month when Muslims fast...

Reading Babies’ Cries

She was such a little thing, my granddaughter.  Just a few weeks old. Back then, we were still worried that she wasn’t eating well.  (We joked that this was evidence she was adopted, because we Lingos know how to eat!) Danielle had been going to the pediatrician every...

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