My Grandma Name . . . and the winner is . . .

“I don’t know what my grandma name should be,” my friend Barb said to me over coffee years ago. Mind you, her daughter was only six months pregnant at that point, but Barb was about to be a grandma for the first time, and she was taking her new role seriously. “You...

How Facebook Almost Ruined My Trip to Morocco

Our Moroccan guide, Zak, confirmed the setting of the sun with an i-phone app, then took a long drink.  “This is the best sip of water you will ever have,” he said, grinning. Our guide couldn’t eat or drink all day because it was Ramadan, the month when Muslims fast...

15 Ways to Age Pragmatically

Today was a good day to hang out in the Cincinnati Enquirer’s obits.  Turns out, nearly all the local dears departed decades later in life than my age now. Also in today’s newspaper was a piece about the Japanese lady who, at 116, is believed to be the oldest woman in...

In My Easter Bonnet

Jesus rose.And that was reason enough for my family and every family in my church to get new duds for Easter. New clothes were a rarity in my house, unless my mother sewed them or they were hand-me-downs from someone in my parents’ card club, my aunt, or Grandma...

Isn’t it romantic? Not so much.

“Love is a lot like a backache: it doesn’t show up on X-rays, but you know it’s there.” ~ George Burns I had a clear view of their arms and hands, his hand on top, holding hers, on the console between their airplane seats in First Class.  He...

An Old Woman Remembers Teenage Longing

Today I saw Mrs. Feldmeyer* at a family friend’s birthday.  She was one of a handful of people at the party who have known me since my birth, so she will always be Mrs. Feldmeyer to me, and not “Donna” as she has asked me to call her time and again.  And, to her, I...

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