The Corona Virus Chased Us Out of Norway

It was 2:45 AM on Thursday, March 12. (Is it even possible that, as I am writing this, it was just four weeks ago?  The world is a different place.) Rick was sound asleep in our daughter Allison’s guest room in Oslo, Norway. But I was wide awake beside him.  We had...

Why I Dyed My Hair During the Pandemic

I probably should have been stockpiling face masks, latex gloves, toilet paper, and bourbon, but instead I was combing the CVS aisles for hair dye.  I grabbed two boxes of Loreal, because I’m “worth it,” as their advertising slogan proclaims.  That was 24 days ago....

Pro-Life Birth in Norway: A Grandma’s Perspective

As I reached for the phone, I glanced at the clock.  It was 5:00 AM.  This can’t be good, I thought. “Hello?” I croaked. The answer was unintelligible screaming.  I only made out one word: “Mooooom!”  You know how kids make “Mom” a four-syllable word when they want...

15 Ways to Age Pragmatically

Today was a good day to hang out in the Cincinnati Enquirer’s obits.  Turns out, nearly all the local dears departed decades later in life than my age now. Also in today’s newspaper was a piece about the Japanese lady who, at 116, is believed to be the oldest woman in...

Math on a Plate

I love math, and I loved teaching it. I told my students, “It is the only thing in the world that makes sense.” If you do it right, the answer is utterly predictable.  There’s a fairness to it:  if you lighten one side of an equation, you must lighten the other. ...

My Weighty Weight

” If American men are obsessed with money, American women are obsessed with weight.  The men talk of gain, the women talk of loss,and I do not know which talk is the more boring.” – Marya Mannes“I dread going to the party,” I told Teri.  “I haven’t seen those...

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