Water Aerobics at the Y

It came to me this image:  the dancing hippos in the Disney movie Fantasia, as they rose from the water, buoyant and graceful, unapologetic and delighted.  dressed in tasteful tutus and ballet shoes.Yes, this is the image that flashed in my mind as I scanned the...

Of Influenza, Tamiflu, and Nose Hairs

  When you go to the doctors’ office at 7:30 in the morning, and you say you have the flu, you get a pink mask. And for a doctor, you get who you get which is okay, because I just want a prescription, and any old MD will do. I first have to tell the...

I Cured My Migraine at the Car Wash

I don’t get migraines very often anymore, now that my ovaries are the size of Tic Tacs.  But sometimes, a confluence of circumstances—my husband, heat, bright light, my husband, stress, lack of sleep, my husband—will bring on the spots before my eyes that signal an...

She said I snore? Liar!

Me sporting what my husband calls a “no pest strip. “Hark, how hard he fetches breath.” ―William Shakespeare There are a couple reasons I keep my husband.  First among them is that he keeps the secret of my snoring.  When we’re in a plane, in a movie theater, or...

Bedtime Stories with Mom

We are home from the doctor’s appointment, so now it is Mom’s bedtime.  If it’s not mealtime or bathroom time or appointment time, it is bedtime.  I help her change into her comfy pajamas, ones that are soft and stretchy, but not so slippery that she’ll slide out of...

Weighing In: My Body of Work

You’ve seen it.  The groom takes a piece of wedding cake and smashes it into the perfectly made up face of his bride.  This is the message:  Ladies will not eat unless they are force fed. Stop fast-forwarding past the commercials, and you’ll see men scarfing pizza,...

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